Friday, March 6, 2015

Dan in Real Life Questions

#1           Yes I believe it is important to write about what you know. I also think it is important to practice what you preach. If you are going to give advice on good parenting you should be a good parent as well.

#2           three tips on good parenting would have to be: Be protective, but give them space. Set good rules. Let them have a little freedom and believe in them.

#4           With Dan falling in love and all his speeding tickets he is setting a bad example. He scolds his daughter for falling in love and then he turns around and falls in love with someone he met in 3 days. Now with the speeding tickets that is as well a bad example. The “do I say, not as I do” is a good thing and a good example. Because if he is telling them what to do and not follow his actions he knows his actions aren’t right

#6           I have been in a situation where I haven’t been able to handle the truth. I think it’s hard for everybody to handle the truth at some point. The truth is a very hard thing to get a grip on.

#8           some things that I personally thinks makes someone a “hottie” is someone that is smart, tall, well dressed. Over 6 foot is a hottie. Mixed boys or white boys are hotties lol.

#10         my best hiding spot when I was a kid would probably be under the bed or in the closet.

1 comment:

  1. My son will be a teenager very soon and I'm going to have to find that balance of being protective but also trusting that you mention. I don't think it will be easy! I trust him. I just don't trust other people!
