Thursday, February 19, 2015

Famous First and Last Lines

Famous First Line:

“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”

Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell

DOB: June 25th, 190.

DOD: January 21st, 1950

About: He has won the Prometheus Hall of Fame Award, Retro Hugo Award for Best Novella. He was and English Novelist, essayist, journalist and a critic.

The book 1984 is primarily focused around the 3 superpowers: Eurasia, Eastasia, and Oceania. It’s also about the life that Winston Smith, 39 year old employee at the Ministry of Truth, London, in Oceania. Oceania is ruled by The Party. The Party in Oceania rations food, issues clothing, and selects social activities. Oceania is ruled over by war and hatred.

I personally would not read this book, it just does not seem interesting to me. Or fit my style of reading. I don’t like reading things about superpowers. But I do like reading about people’s lives, but this type of life style doesn’t suit me. I don’t like reading about things overruling other things.






Famous Last Line:

“Tomorrow, I’ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.”

Gone With The Wind, Margaret Mitchell

June 10th, 1936

DOB: November 8th, 1900

DOD: August 16th, 1949

About: American author and a journalist, she won the Pulitzer for Fiction in 1937.

This book is about a girl name Scarlet O’Hara. She was not very beautiful so not very many men were interested in her. She was spoiled and had a bad temper. Her and her sisters lived on a North Georgian plantation called Tarah. She wants to steal the man she loves, Ashley, from her best friend, Melanie. She got rejected by Ashley. Civil war moves its way to Tarah, she marries a man named Charles. He goes to war. She moves.

I personally would read this book. It sounds very interesting, I would like to know how she manages to steal the men from her family member, and how she gets away with it and doesn’t feel guilt. I want to see how she manages to survive during the civil war and many other things I would like to read about.


  1. 1984 is a really creepy book that makes you feel like " Big Brother" is watching you. If you haven't read this book yet I suggest you keep it that way.

  2. 1984 sounds cool to me; I like the idea of superpowers and I think it'd be entertaining to see how people handle them especially in a place "ruled by war and hatred." Gone with the wind on the other hand sounds like a lot of boy drama. I can't say I'm interested although I've heard very good things about the book.

  3. I read 1984 as an English requirement, and it was okay. I think that if i were to read it again I might like it a little better. Someday I'll read Gone With The Wind, but the size of it is pretty daunting.

  4. Gone With the Wind is one of my favorite books and that last line is one of literature's most famous for sure.
