Monday, February 9, 2015

If I Were In Charge of the World

If I were in charge of the world
I’d cancel school,
The end to weekends,
Shots, and also
If I were in charge of the world
There’d be no homeless people, and
Kids would have proper shelter.
I if were in charge of the world
You wouldn’t have crimes.
You wouldn’t have poverty.
You wouldn’t have school.
Or “listen to what I say.”
You wouldn’t even have high gas prices.
If I were in charge of the world
A dessert would be a vegetable.
All money would be available whenever.
and a person who sometimes forgot their responsibilities
and sometimes forgot to wake up on time
would still be allowed to be
in charge of the world.


  1. It would be great to live in a world without high gas prices. "And sometimes forgot to wake up on time would still be allowed to be in charge of the world", makes me wonder if the president is aloud to sleep in sometimes.

  2. I like how you colored each stanza. You seem like a really caring person with the lines 'There'd be no homeless people, and kids would have proper shelter" and "You wouldn't have crimes. You wouldn't have poverty."
