Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Memorable Passage

“Everything happened with lightning speed. I cried with all my heart as I said my final good-byes to my teachers. I somehow knew I would never see them again. By the tears in their eyes I realized they understood the truth about me—the real truth. Why I was so different from the other children; why I smelled and dressed in rags; why I climbed into garbage cans to hunt for a morsel of food,”


This particular set of words caught my attention, due to how descriptive they were. I could picture them all in tears in my head. I’ve always been through the whole good-bye thing because I have moved around a lot. It really is a hurting feeling. But also knowing that this boy was saved from his moms hurtful hands made it even better to stick in my mind. This is not only the second paragraph to the book it is also the beginning of his new life. It shows that he no longer has to suffer. He is going to be moved to a family that actually loves and cares about him. He won’t be a burden on anybody anymore. He will learn that he does belong in the world and what his mother did to him was wrong. That someone actually does actually love and cares about him. Someone will provide the food and proper shelter that he deserves. He is about to get nothing, but the best. He grew up learning that being treated badly was how he thought he was supposed to be treated. Now he will find out it wasn’t right and he did nothing wrong.


  1. This is a great, emotional paragraph because its easy to tell that this boy has had a very rough life and his teacher's understanding meant so much to him.

  2. You might really like the book Three Little Words...another story about a girl surviving way too many horrors when she is young and in foster care.
